Website Design and Website Development

Web dev is not just a river in Egypt. It’s a core component of your digital presence, and most companies spend far too little time, energy, and (as far as we’re concerned) money on it. The best web design is, unfortunately, often not flashy and it won’t score you any points with the hoi polloi. But it will help you grow your business by doing what it’s supposed to do (such as selling shit via ecommerce or generating inbound leads).

However, bad web design can sink your ship quite easily, because it will put off potential customers and leave far, far too much money on the table. We here at Mandel Marketing are committed to not letting bad web design happen to good people. So give us a call and for the love of god, let us help you fix your website.

Web Dev Details

For the nerds: we prefer WordPress, but we also work with Wix, Squarespace, and the like. Anything more complicated than that, and your probably better off taking our designs and content to one of our preferred partners, such as Bower Web Solutions.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO is incredibly important to web design, and we place it at the core of our practice when we’re designing and building a new website. However, we can also improve SEO on existing websites–check out our free SEO Report Card Tool here.

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