
Mandel Marketing Blog

"Always leave them wanting less." - Andy Warhol

5 Marketing Myths To Watch Out For

Marketing Myths Abound, Don’t Fall For Them! You’ve likely come across some of these misconceptions about marketing, often touted as “conventional wisdom” or as things that “everyone knows.” Don’t be misled! Rather than relying on…

The Importance of Email Open Rate in Marketing & The Impact On Campaign Success

If you’re reading the Mandel Marketing blog, then you probably already know that email marketing is one of the most important and effective tactics in your marketing strategy for businesses to reach potential customers. But…

How to Choose a Platform for Online Training Modules

As with any product or service on the internet, including online training modules, there are thousands and thousands of options. Maybe even millions. So how do you decide which platform to use? We here at…

How To Prepare for SEO Changes in 2024 and 2025

How To Prepare For SEO Changes in 2024 and 2025 SEO changes are coming, and we want to help prepare you and your team for them. Mandel Marketing is all about SEO, and now, so…

The Value Of An MBA – Thought Leaders Speak Out

If you’ve checked out Phillip Scott Mandel’s new book, An MFA For Your MBA, you’ll know there’s a big discussion about the value of graduate programs–both the Master’s in Fine Arts in Creative Writing and…

How To Enhance Your Professional Communication Skills

Despite all the talk of SEO and content marketing, sales development and email marketing, and everything else we do, the fundamental service that Mandel Marketing provides is communication. We help companies, brands, and individuals say…

Freelance Writers: the Good, the Bad, and the Lessons Learned

In a previous post, we discussed how to become one of that coveted group of freelance writers in the world: tips, tricks, and opportunities. This freelance writing guide is only one half of the equation,…

Freelance Writing Guide: Tips, Tricks, and Opportunities for Beginners

Whether you have a full-time job or are trying to carve out your path as a solo entrepreneur, freelance writing can be an excellent way to make some extra money. Many freelance writers who start…

Creating and Maintaining A Corporate Blog

Did you know that corporate blog posts are one of the most popular type of content marketing? That’s why nine out of ten marketers use blogging to achieve their content goals. (We do, obviously.) But it’s…

A Guide to Email Campaign Marketing

Balancing Engagement and Unsubscribes in Email Campaigns If you’ve ready our founder’s book, An MFA For An MBA, you’ll know that Phillip Scott Mandel loves puns but despises “cutesy” writing, especially in the workplace. He also…