Tips and Tricks for a User-Friendly Website

Websites are powerful marketing tools, and because of this, we at Mandel Marketing take web design and web development seriously.

Websites for a small business are often the first – if not only – point of connection between a company and its clients, and are frequently the driving force behind sales and other consumer interactions. They establish a company’s footprint within the ever-growing expanse of the Internet, and when used correctly, serve as a roadmap that leads visitors exactly where they need or want to go. They also reinforce a brand’s voice, tone, and messaging, which can build off of a company’s advertising, social media efforts, PR, and other communications.

Sometimes, though, websites can do more harm than good–especially if they are poorly-designed or don’t work well. Consumers appreciate an easy purchasing or learning experience. A website that does not consider its end user, or one that is generally disorganized, can confuse and frustrate visitors – often prompting them to investigate competitors or leave less-than-favorable reviews.

The good news? Problems with websites are common and easily fixable. Consider the list below for tips and tricks to keep your website user friendly:

Keep your small business website copy concise.

Let’s get straight to the point – get straight to the point. See what I did there?

Good web copy is clear, concise, and on brand. It shouldn’t be watered down with extraneous words or too much “fluff”. More words than necessary may make consumers feel like their time is being wasted, or could overwhelm them with too much information.

Let’s consider our roadmap analogy again – when you’re lost in the middle of nowhere asking for directions, what’s more helpful: Someone who rambles on and on, or a clear guide of lefts and rights?

Use images with purpose.

A website’s imagery should be a happy medium between enough to keep it interesting, but not so much that it overwhelms the eye. Give your audience a chance to rest from reading your beautiful, concise copy and allow them to visually settle on a visual. And, (this one is very important) – allow your imagery to guide them to an action.

Good images draw your visitor’s attention. Think of them as the landmarks on our roadmap. They are the gas stations and Targets of “make a right at the gas station, then left at the Target.” Strategically place images in proximity to clickable buttons and links. If you want someone to click something, put the “something” near an image that makes it pop.

Consider navigation links.

Button, button… who’s got the button? Buttons and links in easily accessible places (typically across the top or down the side) are one of the most important elements of a user-friendly website.

If your audience has to hunt for links, how will they make a purchase or contact for more information? When incorporated effectively, buttons and links are like road signs and traffic lights – tools that get you from point A to B. When not incorporated properly, they’re like roadblocks.

Consider placing your navigation in an area of your website that’s eye-catching and expected.

Incorporate white space.

Lastly, white space is another tool that allows your reader to rest their eye and remain focused on what’s important. Don’t be afraid of it! Appropriate amounts of white space also adds to the sleekness of a web page. It’s considered modern and trendy, and is generally good practice for any brand – even if you wouldn’t consider “modern” and “trendy” as part of your brand’s personality.

No road map analogy here – this one’s as straightforward as it gets.

Need help with your website?

Websites shouldn’t be a stressor, but they often can be. Let us help ease the burden. Our team at Mandel Marketing is happy to assist you with any of your website or brand needs, including design work, copywriting, strategy, and more. Click here to learn more information.

About The Author

Emily Gerber is a marketing, design, and copywriting specialist. She is passionate about helping brands of all sizes reach their creative business goals. In her spare time, Emily is an actor, writer, and filmmaker.