
In: Inspiration

Become A Better Writer With Writing Workshops and Business Writing Courses

Can You Learn To Write? As Martin Amis said, as quoted in the bottom of our website, “All writing is a campaign against cliché.” But writing well is hard, and cliché is easy. So what…

Great business books
8 Great Business Book Recommendations

Oh, the magic of a great business book. The classic trope of a hard-charging, inspirational, and insightful business book abounds, on the dusty shelves of now-empty corner cubicles, in the dark corners of dark libraries,…

business writing advice
6 Free Pieces of Business Writing Advice

Some Free Business Writing Advice From The Experts In a couple of months, Mandel Marketing founder Phillip Scott Mandel is coming out with a business writing advice and communication book, An MFA For Your MBA. The…

Client Spotlight: Little Monsters Universe

Client Spotlight: Little Monsters Universe (Ecommerce) Today we’re talking with Tina Salmanowitz, a former science teacher and founder of a beloved homeschool education brand, Little Monsters Universe. Tell us about Little Monsters Universe. Little Monsters…

30 Writing Prompts

Jump-Start Your Creativity With These 30 Helpful Business Writing Prompts Writing is hard. Every writer knows this, because they’ve spent time at the desk, staring into space wondering what in the hell to write about….

So, You Want To Write a Book? (Here’s What You Need to Know Before You Begin)

I’m Going to Be an Author! Thinking about writing your first book? Even to an entrepreneur or a business leader, writing a book may seem like a daunting task. Perhaps to become the leader you…

A man holds in his hand a cardboard sign that reads "idea"
What Is an Advertising Creative Concept?

The Advertising Creative Concept Creativity is the soul of advertising. It’s the fundamental concept that drives business success, giving life and meaning to messages about a brand’s products and services. And if you’re not being creative…

Top Podcasts and Audiobooks to Learn About Marketing

Want to learn about marketing and advertising but don’t have time to read? Podcasts and audiobooks have become an integral part of our lives, since we can learn something new by listening at our own…

How To Take Great Pictures for Marketing and Advertising

When it comes to photography for marketing and advertising, creativity and vision are only half the battle. Images play an essential role in marketing and advertising because they tell a story, convey a brand’s message,…

The Rule of Thirds in Photography

Everyone’s a photographer these days. But are they? Ever since high quality cameras have been added to phones, everyone thinks they’re a professional photographer. But then people look at the pictures they actually take with…
