How To Make Content Marketing Work For You

Did you know there are around five billion active internet users and more than four billion social media users worldwide? Put simply; there’s a ton of opportunity for your brand and business to engage with an audience and achieve significant growth for your business. This is why, incidentally, have a great marketing agency by your side is so important!

Well, one effective way to spread brand awareness and attract new customers is through content marketing. (It also happens to be an expertise of Mandel Marketing!) In this article, the content experts at Mandel Marketing are going to discuss content marketing: what it is, and how to make it work.

What Is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is a type of marketing strategy that is focused on the creation, publishing, and distribution of relevant and valuable content online to reach a targeted audience and work to incentivize profitable customer actions. Ultimately, investing in content marketing is an important component of sustainable and long-term growth.

While this is true and has a huge impact, some marketers aren’t aware of what needs to be done to implement a successful content marketing strategy. Use the tips and information here to ensure that you can cultivate a valuable marketing strategy. Remember, copywriting isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Because of this, you need to use the services of a company that knows what to do and how to do it.

Create Content with a Clear and Measurable Business Goal

It may seem a bit overwhelming when you first look at content creation. After all, there are many places where you can create and publish it, from your website’s blog, social media stories, e-books, podcasts, and more.

While this is true, all content you create must have a clear and measurable business goal in mind. Just getting views is not a goal. You must take time to consider how content will serve your bigger marketing strategy and then create pieces that are tied back to that.

For example, if you decide you want to begin a blogging strategy, just writing and publishing content is not enough. Instead, you must determine your target audience and determine how the content will serve that group. Also, you need to use analytics to ensure your content reaches the right people with the right search intent.

After identifying how you can serve your audience, you need to consider – how will this tie back to your business. While you must create quality content to help grow your audience, it will not effectively attract prospects if it doesn’t relate to your business in some way.

Get to Know Your Audience

Content marketing is all about finding and attracting the right audience. This includes those who are most likely to engage with your brand and purchase the products or services you offer. However, creating content that will attract the right audience is impossible if you don’t know who your audience is.

You don’t have to interview all your customers. Instead, sit with your team to create buyer personas. This is the ideal customer who will benefit the most from what you offer. You need to consider demographic and psychographic information and create a buyer persona guide that your team can use.

Knowing your audience will help you create content that will speak to them as they move through your buyer’s journey.

Get to Know the Buyer’s Journey

A quality content marketer who understands their strategy must engage and please readers at any and all stages of the buyer’s journey. Even though your content needs to attract new visitors initially, it also needs to convince hesitant prospects to buy while encouraging customer retention and long-term brand loyalty.

For example, you may have customers who aren’t quite ready to purchase your product because they think you need extensive knowledge to use it. Helping to mitigate concerns and aid your sales team, you should consider creating a video campaign to show customers the right way to use video marketing.

Solve a Problem for the Reader

When creating content, you have two main goals:

  • To educate
  • To help solve a problem for someone

Even though your objective is to generate leads or to drive readers to make a purchase, you should also establish your brand as a trustworthy source of information. After they trust you, then readers will be able to become paying customers.

All the content you create and publish needs to solve a problem for the reader by answering questions, offering some helpful tip or resources, and getting acquainted with what you offer and how you can help.

Use the Pillar-Cluster Model of Copywriting

Consider organizing your content with the pillar-cluster model to create a better reading experience and improve your SEO. With this model, the pillar page will cover an umbrella topic. After that, the cluster pages support the topic.

Once you have done this, you can use internal links to help connect the topics and send a signal to Google (and other search engines) that they are related to one another.

Create Long-Form, In-Depth Content

It’s been proven that longer content performs much better in search engines than shorter content. When writing content for your site, you need to make it long. However, don’t just make it long for the sake of adding more words.

As you try to solve a problem for your readers, ensure you include everything they should know in a single post about a topic they are searching for. You should not write long-form content with paragraphs that are stuffed with keywords or full of fluff. When searching for questions that people are asking, navigate to the bottom of SERPs (search engine results pages) to see the questions that people are asking.

Creating an Effective Content Marketing Strategy with Mandel Marketing

When it comes to developing a content marketing strategy, there are more than a few factors to consider. But worry not! The expert writing and editing team at Mandel Marketing is ready to help you with your content strategy and copywriting needs.

We will help you develop a content marketing strategy that ensures you meet your goals, no matter what they are. Get in touch today to schedule an initial consultation to discuss your needs.