Despite all the talk of SEO and content marketing, sales development and email marketing, and everything else we do, the fundamental service that Mandel Marketing provides is communication. We help companies, brands, and individuals say what they need to say, and help them reach the right people that need to hear it.

Sounds pretty simple, right? Well, we’re professionals and we’ve been doing it a long, long time. As you can probably imagine, improving communication isn’t easy. So we asked some thought leaders in the space how to improve one’s professional communication, and here’s what they had to say.

Practice Empathetic Active Listening

One way to improve professional communication is to actively listen to others. This means giving your full attention, asking clarifying questions, and showing empathy toward their perspective.

By truly understanding where the other person is coming from, you can communicate more effectively and build stronger relationships. This may not always be easy, but it is a proven method to enhance your communication skills and succeed in the business world.

Alex Stasiak, CEO and Founder, Startup House

Seek Constructive Feedback Regularly

A key way to improve professional communication is to encourage honest feedback from others, both regular colleagues and clients. By regularly asking for constructive feedback about your communication style, you can improve and grow as a professional communicator.

Once, when a client mentioned that sometimes I used too much formal language in my emails, I changed my style and felt my communications were better received, helping me build better relationships and clarify the details of our exchanges.

Zoe Miller, Strategic Business Leader and Market Analyst, Tea Time Facts

Enroll in a Business English Course

To enhance professional communication effectively, I highly recommend enrolling in Preply’s Business English Communication Course. This comprehensive video course helped me with all the necessary skills to navigate everyday business scenarios confidently. It covered essential aspects of business communication, including conducting effective meetings, engaging in small talk, making business phone calls, and delivering impactful presentations.

By the end of the course, you’ll gain more confidence and the ability to communicate clearly in various situations in the business world. Speaking from experience, the course’s structured approach, combining practical lessons with exercises, ensures that you can apply what you learn directly to your professional life. This makes it an invaluable resource for anyone looking to improve their business English communication skills.

Jason Vaught, President, HSC – Houston SEO Company

Utilize AI-Powered Presentation Platforms

One effective way to enhance professional communication is by leveraging AI-powered presentation platforms. These innovative tools go beyond traditional approaches, offering a comprehensive solution that significantly improves the effectiveness of one’s professional communication as well as business communication.

Using AI-powered presentation platforms streamlines the creation process, allowing professionals to generate polished, brand-compliant slides efficiently in minutes with just a few prompts. This not only saves valuable time but also ensures a consistent and professional visual identity across all communication materials.

One good example of such a tool is the ‘Prezent Platform.’ The platform enables users to align with audience preferences, ensuring that messages have a more significant impact on their target audience. By providing a user-friendly interface and intuitive tools, Prezent facilitates the creation of compelling presentations that elevate the overall communication experience. The tool goes beyond slide creation, guiding teams on a transformative journey with on-demand learning modules. It stems from the belief that great business communication is challenging, but everyone deserves a fair chance to bring their ideas to life.

In summary, embracing AI-powered presentation platforms represents a proven and impactful way to improve professional communication. By leveraging AI-powered tools like Prezent, individuals can streamline the presentation creation process, enhance visual appeal, and ultimately communicate their messages more effectively in the business realm.

Sharad Diyali, Marketing and Content Manager, Prezent

Improve Communication with Practice

There’s another great way to improve your communication skills, and that’s with practice. Yeah, we know–doesn’t sound fun. But it’s important. In An MFA For Your MBA, our founder Phillip Scott Mandel offers a ton of writing advice, taken from a graduate writing program and applied to business and professional communication. At the end of each chapter, he provides an actionable–and dare we say, fun–writing exercise for you to sit down and practice your new skill. Give it a try, or reach out for a free excerpt!