How To Fix Those Pesky Common SEO Mistakes

Sometimes it seems like all we do here at the Mandel Marketing blog is write about Search Engine Optimization. Well, first, it’s not true. We write about other stuff, such as creativity and leadership. But also, we write about SEO a lot because it’s super important. So in this article, we’ve asked some SEO and digital marketing experts around the world to highlight 9 of the most common SEO mistakes, and how to fix them.

Some of what they say might seem like common sense: for example, write actually good material that isn’t just a bunch of keyword nonsense, or making your site easy for users to navigate. But you’d be surprised how uncommon this actually is. Other advice is more specific and abstruse; for example, the important of on-site search, internal linking, and schema markups.

So let’s have a look at what some thought leaders have to say about common SEO mistakes.

Learn 9 common SEO mistakes that digital marketers make--and how to fix them!

Tip #1: Balance SEO with Quality Content

Remember that your audience will be reading your content at the end of the day. Everyone is always so focused on rankings that they seem to forget that SEO is a medium to drive traffic that we hope to convert. Because of this, SEOs will sacrifice quality in the name of SEO. While it may help in the short term, it will hurt your long-term efforts by turning users off of your brand when they see your over-optimized site/content. You have to find a balance of optimizing content for users and search engines.

Taylor Scher, SEO Consultant, TaylorScherSEO

Check out 8 essential SEO tools and learn why they’re invaluable.

Tip #2: Prioritize User Experience

Easily the biggest, most important thing that people forget or overlook when optimizing a website is user experience. People tend to get so focused on the headline elements of SEO, such as keyword optimization or link building, that they forget that Google only ever wants to show a website that’s easy to use, easy to convert, and easy to get the job done.

You can optimize all the websites you want, gain all the links you want. But if the website isn’t easy to use, it will never rank.

And this is why we get a lot of people getting in touch, saying, ‘I’ve done my keywords; I’ve done my links. How come it’s not ranking?’

Our response is that it’s just so hard to use, and the website isn’t useful or helpful.

There’s no FAQ section, no helpful videos, and a lot of the time, I can’t see the people behind the brand. Google will identify these things as being good for SEO, so easily the most overlooked element is user experience.

Aled Nelmes, Founder and CEO, Lumen SEO

Tip #3: Utilize Google Search Console Data

One thing that people tend to forget when it comes to SEO is to use the wealth of information that Google Search Console provides for keyword research. Many people can become hyper-focused on specific keywords or follow tools such as Keyword Planner to guide their keyword strategy. However, by checking the queries section of Google Search Console, you can find potentially thousands of relevant keywords that people are searching for and that your website is showing for. From there, you can analyze the keywords by relevance, position, and click-through rate, and then ensure those keywords are used properly within your content to achieve boosts in traffic.

Danny Watkinson, Search Engine Optimization Manager, 20i

Not sure where to start with Google Search Console? Contact Mandel Marketing for a free consultation and we’ll see if we can help you out.

Tip #4: Implement Relevant Schema Markups

In my experience as a Search Marketing Manager, one often-overlooked aspect of SEO is the use of Schema Markups. Many people miss out on implementing relevant schema markup for their pages. Schema Markups are crucial as they help search engines understand the content of your website, leading to better categorization and display in search results.

They provide richer information like reviews, ratings, and opening hours directly in search results, making your content more appealing and informative to users. This can significantly enhance click-through rates and user experience. It’s a simple yet powerful tool that can give you an edge in the digital landscape.

Moises Parada, Search Marketing Manager, Fidelitas

Tip #5: Enhance Internal Search Functionality

This one’s specifically for e-commerce websites, but it could still be relevant to other niches. I’ve noticed that some people tend to overlook the site’s internal search functionality. I understand that the focus is often on optimizing for external search engines like Google, but internal search also plays a crucial role in enhancing user experience and driving conversions. 

Make sure the search bar is super easy to find and works quickly. Check if it’s finding the right things when people type stuff in. Sometimes, there might be some technical issues like broken links or items not displaying correctly.

Plus, having search options allows you to see what people are searching for a lot on your site. It can help you organize your products better and use more effective words so your customers can find what they want faster. It’ll also help you with specific keywords you need to add to your site!

It may sound simple, but I swear a lot of websites are missing this key functionality.

Nicholas Robb, Head Honcho, Design Hero

Tip #6: Monitor Backlinks for Indexing

Link building by creating guest posts is a tactic many agencies and companies are now actively including in search engine optimization. However, just because you have a link on a website doesn’t necessarily mean that Google will index it. So it’s important that you monitor backlinks created through guest posts to be sure they are indexed. If a link fails to index, let the website owner or manager know; you may need to submit it again to Google or update the content so that it better covers the topic.

Jason Vaught, Founder and CSO, 805SEO

Read this if you’re wondering if paid sponsor backlinks are a good idea.

Tip #7: Leverage the Power of Internal Linking

Internal linking is quite probably the most valuable, yet underrated, and easy-to-implement SEO technique.

We all know links are very valuable; however, internal links help spread around page rank and assign topical relevance to your pages. It helps with crawling and indexing, and it also helps your site visitors find relevant content more easily.

Considering how easy it is to do and how beneficial it is, internal linking is one of the most overlooked SEO activities there is.

Go forth and internally link!

Trevor Stolber, Agency Owner, STOLBER Digital

Tip #8: Conduct Routine Website Crawls

In my experience, people forget to routinely crawl their websites to check for any quality issues, like broken links. Often, they do it once at the beginning of a campaign, note all the issues, and never do it again. We set up a system where our clients’ websites are crawled once a month to ensure that there are no technical issues we need to worry about.

Isaac Hammelburger, Founder, Search Pros

Learn why SEO is so important for new ecommerce websites.

Tip #9: Update Old Posts with New Links

Add links to new content in your old content. As you publish more content, you have more internal linking opportunities. Just because a piece has already been published doesn’t mean it’s set in stone. Take some time to go through older blog posts to update them with relevant links to new content. This helps algorithms learn what your content is about, plus it helps you keep readers on your website longer.

Alli Hill, Founder and Director, Fleurish Freelance

Mandel Marketing Can Help Fix Your Common SEO Mistakes

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